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New Property Owner Information

All new property owners are requested to complete this form.

The HOA Board of Directors welcomes you to the Williamsburg Hamlet community.

As a new property owner at Williamsburg Hamlet Maintenance Association, Inc., we respectfully request the information below. This information will be used by the Board to communicate such things as special community events, homeowner notifications, property maintenance, community news, etc.

Date: ____________________

Property Address: ______________________________________________ , Katy, TX 77493

Property owner(s) full name(s): _________________________________________________

Property Owner(s) mailing address (If different than above):

________________________________________________ City: ____________ State: _____

Email Address __________________________________ Phone # ______________________

Please print clearly


Please choose the method that you desire to be contacted by the Association about subjects of importance relating to the Williamsburg Hamlet community, property or maintenance of same.

*Owners are required by Texas laws to maintain this current information with the HOA. The method you select below will be filed and used to contact you on all future communications unless otherwise mandated by our governing documents or State statutes.

(__) Mail (Address as above) (__) Email (As above) (__) Text (Phone # as above)

Give information if different from above: ___________________________________________

Thank you!

Williamsburg Hamlet Maintenance Association, Inc.

*Required by: Texas Residential Property Owners Protection Act

WHMA Form 121d

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